Use the following steps to update the admin user:
- Please note that this should be done in incognito mode.
- Sign in to your CloudAlly account or click on the Homepage menu item in the Navigation Panel if you are already signed in.
- Click on the Backup task.
- Click on the Connected/Disconnected button
- The Enter your admin details screen appears:
- You can change the name of the backup task. This name is used in the notifications and reports.
- Choose the authorization type: Use OAuth based authorization, or Use credential based authorization.
- The OAuth based authorization is the preferred type and is selected by default. If you choose Use OAuth based authorization, you do not need to fill-in your MS Office 365 credentials anywhere in our application – all operations are done using the secure access token granted during this step. Click the Authenticate button to start the process of granting the access token. You will be redirected to the MS Office 365 sign in page. Enter the credentials to sign in to your Microsoft account.
- We don’t recommend using Use credential-based authorization option as Microsoft will be deprecating its usage in the second half of 2020.