- To pay with credit card, enter all of your credit card and other billing details, and click Subscribe.
- To pay after receiving an invoice, you can pay by credit card, debit card or Paypal.
NOTE: Payments made via Paypal do not require that you have a Paypal account.
To pay the invoice, click on the “Pay online” link on the mail that you received.
This will open a new tab and you can now click on “Paypal” under “Choose Payment Method”. This does not require a Paypal account and will allow you to pay by Credit / Debit card:
You can log in to your Paypal account or click on the “Pay with Debit or Credit Card” link at the bottom to perform a card payment without a Paypal account:
NOTE: If the “Pay with Debit or Credit Card” link does not appear as an option, repeat the process using a private/incognito browser to eliminate any cookies that might exist on your computer from previous Paypal usage.
This will take you to the guest checkout when you can enter your card details and complete your card payment transaction:
Please contact support@cloudally.com if you need any assistance making your payment.