Do you want to restore to another tenant?
Preparation Steps
- Ensure that you have assigned someone to be the SharePoint Global Administrator, and you have their email address and password.
- Add the restore account directly to the user's Site Collection Admin on the target.
Performing a Cross-Tenant Restore
- When restoring backed up data, check the "restore to another tenant" box (see the image below).
- Provide the email address of the administrator and the password.
- Provide the site to restore to.
TIP: In the Restore To field, don't include the "https://" in the URL. For example, if the site is, just use ""
- When you restore to a different tenant, you can’t use Single-Sign On (SSO) or multi-factor authentication (MFA) credentials. Instead, use basic authentication or the application password if MFA is enabled.
- If the endpoint and source are in different domains, permissions, site groups and users will not be restored.