This menu option enables you to manage your system notifications. Here you can control the general settings of notifications, such as the frequency of reports (daily or weekly), their detail level (full or failures only), whether it is attached to the report email, or provided via a link.
From the Navigation Panel, click Settings > Notifications.
The following screen will appear:
The top of the screen enables you to configure the following options:
- Report Format: Backup tasks overview vs. backup failure details
- CSV Attachment vs. Download Link
- Report Frequency: daily, weekly or monthly
- Send the report only in case of backup failure
Setting up a new recipient is simple:
- Click + Add new recipient.
- Enter the Email of the recipient and the Display name. The Display name is used in the report email to address the recipient.
- Select the required notification types.
- Click SAVE to create the new recipient. You may need to scroll to the bottom of the page in order to find the SAVE button.